Thursday, September 15, 2011



We are finishing up our first Science unit about seeds.  We have been fortunate enough to explore this topic right outside our classroom in our school community garden. The students got to be a part of the process from begining to end. They planted the garden last school year, took care of it and observed it grow.  They were able to partake in reaping the rewards today in our harvest lunch.
We will be looking forward skyping with the agricultural students at Wamogo about our seed study and continuing our contact with them for other topics.
Our next study will be a Social Studies theme of ourselves in our communities.

In Math students have been introduced to coins and telling time to the hour. Its a good opportunity for you to draw their attention to it at home with your digital and analog clocks. All students are practicing good counting and some comparing of numbers.

Students have starting reading from their individual bins with books that are just right for their reading level as well as a few books they have picked based on interest. We can tell many students have been reading and enjoying books throughout the summer and they are very excited when they explore our classroom library. Thank you for continuing to encourage a joy and love of reading.

 The students have been working on building their writing stamina and will be discusing how to choose ideas to write about. They have been putting together their writing binders with resources and materials. Thank you again for sending in all those wonderful materials.

We have started handwriting practice called "handwriting without tears." Students are writing (and building) some perfect letters!

We are lucky enough to have MANY books for our classroom library, but we need help organizing them.  If you have any time you could volunteer to help sort and label books please contact us. We will be using volunteers in the classroom soon.

Visiting our Classroom
It is important for parents to be able to visit our classroom and meet with the teachers.  If you are planning on coming into our rooms during the school day, please plan it in advance so our attention is not drawn away from the students and please check in at the office before you come down.  You are forewarned, if do stop by, you will most likely be put to work.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The new adventure of our grade one and two multi-age class has begun! The students have been amazing! They are learning how to navigate their way through our classroom and our day.  We look the same but our rooms have changed a lot. Our building maintenance staff have worked very hard this summer.  The much anticipated walkway between two of the rooms is now open and our two rooms are now one.

Some reminders:

Don't forget to send in a small healthy snack for students to have in the morning.
Plan with your child what they will be having for lunch. Will they be buying lunch or ordering from cafeteria.   Please send in lunch money in an envelope or reusable ziplock bag that is marked with their name on it.
 A water bottle for students to use in the classroom is very helpful and can be brought home each night to be cleaned and filled for the next day.

***Reporter from Republican-American will be visiting our class tomorrow to take some photos for an article on our multi-age program.  If you do not want your child to be photographed please be sure to send in a note tomorrow. *****

Amazing multi-age work this week:
 We had our first reading and writing workshop today and we were thrilled to see the reading and writing behaviors that were demonstrated! Any person walking into our rooms would have been unable to distinguish at a glance who was a first grader and who was a second grader. The second graders already knew what was expected of them and got right to work. The first graders just naturally followed their example.  During writing time, the team witnessed an interaction between a first grader and second grader. One was stuck on what to write about and with out missing a beat the other student quietly turned and asked questions exactly as the teacher would and with in 1 and half minutes the student who was stuck was on track with an idea and went right to work. Its the second day of school and we have hit the ground running.

Remember they will be very tired for the first month of school as they make the adjustment back.  An early bedtime and some fun unwinding at home will help. Please let us know if you have any questions or we can help in any way.

Specials Schedule
First grade:                               Second grade:
Monday- Library                        Monday-P.E. **
Tuesday- P.E.**                        Tuesday- Art***
Wednesday- Art***                    Wednesday- Music
Thursday- Music                       Thursday- Health**
Friday- Health**                        Friday- Spanish