Monday, October 17, 2011


October conferences are here.  Don'f forget to call the school to sign up for a conference with your child's homeroom teacher.

Math- When working on math homework with your child, please take advantage of the online resource available.  A few weeks ago, we sent home a paper  with your child's username and password to access the online handbook.  There was a technical glitch with accessing it until now so if you tried it once and were unable to get to the handbook please try again. It is very helpful in seeing how your child should be working on their math papers. 

Reading- Students are practicing using all their strategies to solve words that trick them and are working on responding to the books they read. Some respond verbally and some in writing.  Books for reading practice have started to be sent home.  Enjoy this curl up time with your child.

Writing- Students are working on gathering ideas for writing personal narratives and working on rough drafts. They have recently made a "map of their hearts" to shows what is special to them and to give them ideas of what they can write about for their personal narratives.

Social Studies- The class has been exploring where they are in the world, country, state, town and community. We have been discussing what good citizenship looks like.

Second graders have begun their word study.  They will be working on 5-10 words at a time. The words are picked from the second grade word list as well as frequently misspelled words in their writing.  They will bring home the list they are working on to practice at home and will also be practicing them in class.

We are looking for some parent volunteers to help in the classroom room during our center time. If you are able to come in, please send us an email so we can set up a schedule.